The Combat center has the largest federally owned Photovoltaic array at 1.1 megawatts yielding $400K/yr in energy savings. There are also 15 solar hot water heaters used for shower and chow halls aboard the installation.
There are 150 individual solar lights used to illuminate running courses and training areas aboard the Combat Center.
Sun Shades in vehicle holding areas are being covered with 160,000 square feet of photovoltaic arrays. Increasing the installations previous 1.1 MW by 976 KW.
The Combat Center is planning to install two wind turbines to bolster the current renewable energy program.
The Combat Center is planning for the integration of geothermal processes to augment the renewable energy program. 5 test wells were completed in March 2009. Viability testing started in June.
Two 500KW Molten Carbonate fuel cells were installed parallel to the Cogeneration Power Plant. The 7.2 MW gas turbine power plant is 40% more efficient than traditional brown power and saves the installation $5million annually. Future plans include an additional 3.5MW twin turbine Cogeneration plant.