

Type Name (Click to Download) Title File Size (kb)
29 DoD-SSPP-FY14-FINAL-w_CCAR.pdf DoD Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan 6663
30 greengov leader Vol 5 Oct_Nov 2014.pdf The greengov Leader Oct/Nov 2014 441
31 2022_annual_ccr_29_palms_online.pdf 2022 Consumer Confidence Report MCAGCC 6487
33 green gov leader Vol 5 Jul_Aug 2014.pdf The greengov Leader July/Aug 2014 351
34 greengov leader Volume 5 May_Jun 2014.pdf The greengov Leader May/June 2014 307
35 greengov_volume 5_mar14.pdf The greengov Leader Mar 14 273
36 greengov_feb14 (1).pdf The greengov Leader Feb 2014 577
37 dod-2022-sustainability-plan.pdf Dept of Defense (DoD) 2022 Sustainability Plan 4667
38 Ride Share Paper Pledge Form.pdf Ride Share Paper Pledge Form 1507
40 Rideshare_Incentive_Claim.pdf Rideshare Incentive Claim Form 153
41 FINAL-Green Charter (2).pdf Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Green Council Charter 1615
42 USMC_Sustainability_Plan_JAN_2011.pdf United States Marine Corps Sustainability Plan 2011 1757


Link (Click to Visit) Title
Combat Center Home Combat Center Home Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
Combat Center EA Combat Center NREA Environmental Affairs (EA)
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive X Office of the Federal Environmental Executive Council on Environmental Quality Executive Office of the President
DoD Goes Green DoD Goes Green U.S. Department of Defense Goes Green
DoD Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Network and Information Exchange DoD Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Network and Information Exchange Sustainability, DENIX
U.S. DEPT of Energy / Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy U.S. DEPT of Energy / Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy provided by “Kelly Carter-Smith and the 10th grade summer class”
Livebetter e-magazine Livebetter e-magazine USMC's Twentynine Palms Mission-Critical Sustainable Practices
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment OASD for Energy, Installation and Environment
The Dept of the Navy Energy Program The Dept of the Navy Energy Program Navy Energy Program link


Training (Click to View)
Environmental Awareness Training /Training.aspx Environmental Awareness Training